89 research outputs found

    Reachability analysis of first-order definable pushdown systems

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    We study pushdown systems where control states, stack alphabet, and transition relation, instead of being finite, are first-order definable in a fixed countably-infinite structure. We show that the reachability analysis can be addressed with the well-known saturation technique for the wide class of oligomorphic structures. Moreover, for the more restrictive homogeneous structures, we are able to give concrete complexity upper bounds. We show ample applicability of our technique by presenting several concrete examples of homogeneous structures, subsuming, with optimal complexity, known results from the literature. We show that infinitely many such examples of homogeneous structures can be obtained with the classical wreath product construction.Comment: to appear in CSL'1

    Timed pushdown automata revisited

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    This paper contains two results on timed extensions of pushdown automata (PDA). As our first result we prove that the model of dense-timed PDA of Abdulla et al. collapses: it is expressively equivalent to dense-timed PDA with timeless stack. Motivated by this result, we advocate the framework of first-order definable PDA, a specialization of PDA in sets with atoms, as the right setting to define and investigate timed extensions of PDA. The general model obtained in this way is Turing complete. As our second result we prove NEXPTIME upper complexity bound for the non-emptiness problem for an expressive subclass. As a byproduct, we obtain a tight EXPTIME complexity bound for a more restrictive subclass of PDA with timeless stack, thus subsuming the complexity bound known for dense-timed PDA.Comment: full technical report of LICS'15 pape

    Automata theory in nominal sets

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    We study languages over infinite alphabets equipped with some structure that can be tested by recognizing automata. We develop a framework for studying such alphabets and the ensuing automata theory, where the key role is played by an automorphism group of the alphabet. In the process, we generalize nominal sets due to Gabbay and Pitts

    Definable isomorphism problem

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    We investigate the isomorphism problem in the setting of definable sets (equivalent to sets with atoms): given two definable relational structures, are they related by a definable isomorphism? Under mild assumptions on the underlying structure of atoms, we prove decidability of the problem. The core result is parameter-elimination: existence of an isomorphism definable with parameters implies existence of an isomorphism definable without parameters

    Orbit-finite linear programming

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    An infinite set is orbit-finite if, up to permutations of the underlying structure of atoms, it has only finitely many elements. We study a generalisation of linear programming where constraints are expressed by an orbit-finite system of linear inequalities. As our principal contribution we provide a decision procedure for checking if such a system has a real solution, and for computing the minimal/maximal value of a linear objective function over the solution set. We also show undecidability of these problems in case when only integer solutions are considered. Therefore orbit-finite linear programming is decidable, while orbit-finite integer linear programming is not.Comment: Full version of LICS 2023 pape